Jesse ‘Guacamole” Guajardo started cheering in 1998 for his foster father in San Antonio, TX and then his Senior year went to Cheer Athletics and where he was a Wildcat and continued on as a Cheetah and cheered for Navarro and University of Houston. Cheerleading became his outlet that helped hm learn more than just skills. He learned how to be a team player and life long lessons.
Jesse is currently a coach and in-house choreography for APEX in the Houston, TX area. He has won numerous National titles , innovative choreography awards as a coach and choreographer such as NCA, Summit and Worlds.
Jesse believes a routine is like a blank canvas. The athletes are your brushes and their skills are your colors. Together we can create a masterpiece with imagination, hard work, and a common goal. He feels
playing to a teams strengths is key. Utilizing floor space with quick transitions and unique ways of getting in and out of skills allows for a unique and memorable routine.